
What is PINC and Steel?

PINC and STEELis a Cancer Rehabilitation Program dedicated to improving the strength, quality of life and sense of well being of women (PINC) and men (STEEL) diagnosed with cancer. The program provides individualised, prescribed rehabilitation to women diagnosed with cancer; helping them heal as well as possible and to function at optimal levels through every stage of their treatment and recovery. It is specifically designed to help maximise recovery, regain physical and emotional strength, improve body confidence and control. 

The program is delivered by a certified Cancer Rehab Physiotherapist and provides a full range of services designed to care, support and guide women through all stages of their treatment and recovery. 


What can these programs do for you?

  • Optimise physical and functional recovery

  • Ease pain and muscular tension

  • Help regain strength and mobility

  • Increase energy levels and improve breathing

  • Strengthen core muscles and improve posture

  • Improve physical functioning and maintain independence

  • Reclaim body confidence and control

  • Reduce treatment related side effects

  • Shift focus from illness to wellness

PINC and STEEL is suitable after any type of cancer surgery or treatment and accommodates all ages, fitness levels and mobility. 


What is involved?

Your physiotherapist assesses each client individually for physical impairments and the effects of their treatment. They then work with each client to create a rehabilitation program to suit their particular stage in recovery. 

The sessions can include a combination of services including: 

  • Manual Therapy

  • Graduated Resistance Training

  • Individualised Clinical Pilates

  • Fatigue Management

  • Exercise Prescription

Your physiotherapist will help guide, support and encourage you through each phase of your treatment and recovery. They will teach you what you can do to get stronger gain and help you understand why your body is reacting to the treatments in certain ways. They will provide information to help you feel more in control of your body and life again.